The Maison’s story begins in 1920, as Russian-born dissident Gregory Salomon emigrates to France to start his life over as a furrier in Paris. Then, in the 1960s, his visionary son Boris starts experimenting with a different kind of fur work, making his pieces distinctively modern and subsequently catching the eye of fashion designers of his time. This trend carries on with Boris’s son, Yves, who launches his own design studio in the 80s, collaborating with some of the most iconic couturiers of the decade - including Azzedine Alaïa, Nina Ricci, Thierry Mugler and Jean Paul Gaultier -, all while starting his own brand, Yves Salomon. Today, Yves works alongside his son Thomas, still producing pieces for the biggest names in the fashion industry. Simultaneously, he has created Army, a new line focusing on creativity through a cutting-edge outerwear collection of both womenswear and menswear. Shop our Yves Salomon range below.